The eternity of the love
It is evident that not I walk well, that my heart has filled of sadness, of pain, but that I can make, which has been giving desire me is to begin to run for the eternity, not to turn around to see back, to only run, feel the wind in my face, to feel that flight that nothing stops to me, that the eternity hopes to me and that I am arriving at her. That my body has become and that illuminates the darknesses of my doubts, that I am a light being that will illuminate the way of others in an interminable exodus of souls did the eternal thing, unique the true thing of our being. To feel the love like a smooth aroma that caresses your senses, that it surrounds to you and it enters directly at the most deep of the soul. To see the light and to feel that you are arriving at the home, the infinite earth that saw you be born, and to which you return with the hope and purity with which a day you left from her. To hear in silence celestial music, to see with the eyes of the soul the light at the end of the way, knowledge that what it hopes to you is the authentic love, escencía pretends of it deposited in a way of a true fragrance, that makes disappear the doubts with the music of the eternal thing. To feel the strong hug of the eternity, that takes to you by footpaths of an interminable light, erasing the memories that torment to you and that sadden to you, cambiandolos by the tender heat of the love that rinses your tears with the smooth handkerchief of an infinite peace of even-tempered and sincere a world without badness, without competitions,….
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